Akogun. Obamaja. Orunto, Osupori. Oyega and Omolashin are chieftaincy holders that are members of the highest decision making body of the ancient Owu Kingdom in Abeokuta, the Ogun State capital.

Other two principal members of the body that also constitute kingmakers are the Balogun and Oloshi.

Together they formed the grand senate and highest decision making council of the ancient Owu Kingdom in the gateway state.

They represent the classical heirarchy of the ancient institution once headed by Ajibosin, Omo-Olowu, son of Obatala and Iyunade, and grandson of Oduduwa, patriach of the whole of Yorubaland.

The last Orunto, who died about 23 years ago had the rare previlege of single-handedly making the late Olowu Adisa Odeleye, Lagbedu I

So, Olowu Odeleye had the singular distinction of being officially selected by only one kingmaker out of the total of eight kingmakers that Owu people currently have.

Others were not on seat and there were no issues about it.

A social commentator, activist and publisher, Chief Abiodun Lasile was installed recently as the new Orunto, the third in the rank of Iwarefas in Owu

Lasile was a notable name in broadcasting, particularly with the Nigerian Television Authority, NTA before he went on retirement many years back.

Lasile, who is committed to integrity and service thereafter went into writing and book publishing.

Hugely now, the new Orunto promotes reading culture as an author, writer and publisher with ten concepts driving one goal.

He fielded questions from The Gateway People Magazine during an interview.

Q. How did you receive the news of your emergence as the new Orunto of Owu?.

It did not come as a surprise as I was part of the process. For your information, my emergence was not by appointment. I was chosen through anonymous decision of the Orunto Family. Orunto is a family title which I am proud to carry its mantle of leadership. As an Orunto, I am proud of the name and family. We are kingmakers from birth. Our title as a compound is also Orunto. May God help us.

Q. Is traditional politics not strange to Orunto Lasile, who for greater part of his life has been engaged in broadcasting and literary works?.

I am not strange to traditional politics as I have been playing it even before my emergence as Orunto and I will continue to do so. For your information, before my emergence as Orunto, I have been part of development in Owu and I will continue to do so.

Q. Aside kingmaking, are there other specific roles for an Orunto in Owu kingdom?.

King making by an Orunto or any Iwarefa in Owu is just an aspect of his functions which he may not even perform in his lifetime. However, the day-to-day administration of Owu with the Olowu is the major task. Kingmaking is just when the stool is vacant.

Q. What do we expect from Orunto Lasile in area of community development?

It is the combination of what I used to be with new responsibilities as Orunto and other assignments by the Olowu. What I used to be before now will not get out of me, just as I am very aware of my new responsibilities as Orunto.

Q. Would your new position as Orunto-Owu Abeokuta not affect your literary works which you are known for?.

No, it will not but rather, it will put me in another pedestal of service - communal which I am ready to play.

Q. What's your assessment of the current Olowu of Owu-Abeokuta, Oba Matemilola?

It has been fantastic and it could not have been better in the kingdom.Let us continue to support and pray for him.