On 6th December 1976, the sun literarily set for Master Muyiwa Oladipo as a Form four student of the famous Adeola Odutola College, Ijebu-Ode Ogun State when his father, the late Kokumo Oladipo died in an auto crash.

For him and his siblings the world literarily crashed, having lost their mother four years earlier.

Even though he said he had another father figure in his uncle, one Alhaji Teslim Olusanya Daudu, Muyiwa confessed that life was a terrible and meaningless for the children.

‘’My father’s death was not felt alone by his nuclear and extended families alone, because before his death, he was an unusual philanthropist in our area with our house more else a boarding


‘’He was always there to all and sundry, particularly to indigent students in primary and secondary schools, seeking admissions. My father was ready to inconvenient himself to satisfy others.

‘’Our house then was more of a boarding house. Today many years after, all the children remember him even though we all remember him always, but today he’s a special one as we remember his philanthropic gesture and assist students of various schools in Sagamu as he used to do when he was alive’’.

According to him, his father impacted positively not only on his children, but on to others, both known and unknown, that’s why we have established a foundation in his memory, because he was a father.

A lawyer by profession Oladipo who was once the Speaker of the Ogun State House of Assembly under the platform of the Alliance for Democracy and former Commissioner for Culture and Tourism said he was grateful to God who spared his life and his siblings.

‘’Because of the circumstances that we found ourselves, we experienced hardship after we became orphans, but we thank God that we are alive

today to emulate the kind gesture and fond memory of our father. He was a man who would give his life to everybody’’ .

‘’My life after the death of my parents is a practical demonstration that with God on one’s side, one can become whatever he or she aspires to do in life even though things may be difficult.

‘’ I was an orphan as a secondary school student at the Adeola Odutola College, Ijebu-Ode, but today, I thank God for everything that He has done for me", he stated.